Artists as… Entrepreneurs
Check out this excellent post by Jim Hart, a theater conservatory founder in Norway that hits an important issue right on the head. Artists need to be more of the mindset that they are first and foremost, a business.
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This article touches on something that an artist living in the tri-state area grapples with constantly. Something that we did not have as a core foundation in our collegiate education: the Artist as Entrepreneur.
It used to be that self help, “go get ‘em” conferences and books were only aimed at MBA’s or Wall Street employees. Well, with a whole new economy in which a flood of freelance artists were created in a few years (thanks recession), a recent college grad like myself had to adapt and learn that the salaried artist positions are at a premium (and maybe even overrated).
We are a whole new breed who now follow artists already doing just such a thing: Nick Campbell for instance at is teaching a whole new generation about branding, motivation while working from home, and pointing us in the direction of gurus like Seth Godin and Kevin Rose. People who are artists but a far different animal. They also think conceptually and bring something to life in the real world. Entrepreneurs and artists, we are one and the same actually.
To survive, the artist must truly adapt first into being a business. A human business. (And worry about “selling out” last.)